
tekton helm chart


First add the Jenkins X chart repository

helm repo add jenkins-x https://storage.googleapis.com/chartmuseum.jenkins-x.io

If it already exists be sure to update the local cache

helm repo update

Basic install

helm upgrade --install tekton jenkins-x/tekton

Authenticated Git requests

If you are working with private git repositories or require secrets to tag or perform remote git actions then you can provide basic authentication which will be automatically mounted into Tekton Pipline pods. We recommend using a bot user and a personal access token.

GitHub Example:

helm upgrade --install --set auth.git.username=bot-user --set auth.git.password=123456abcdef --set auth.git.url=https://github.com tekton jenkins-x/tekton 

Authenticated Docker registries

If you are pushing images to authenticated docker registries you can provide basic authentication which will be automatically mounted into Knative Tekton Pipline pods.

DockerHub Example:

helm upgrade --install --set auth.docker.username=fred --set auth.docker.password=flintstone --set auth.docker.url=https://index.docker.io/v1/  tekton jenkins-x/tekton 

Configuration options

Parameter Description Default
auth.git.username Optional basic auth username for git provider ``
auth.git.password Optional basic auth password for git provider ``
auth.git.url Optional basic auth server for git provider https://github.com
auth.docker.username Optional basic auth username for docker registry ``
auth.docker.password Optional basic auth password for docker registry ``
auth.docker.url Optional basic auth server for docker registry https://index.docker.io/v1/
image.tag Docker image tag see latest values.yaml
image.kubeconfigwriter Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/kubeconfigwriter
image.credsinit Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/creds-init
image.gitinit Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/git-init
image.nop Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/nop
image.bash Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/bash
image.gsutil Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/gsutil
image.controller Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/controller
image.webhook Docker image gcr.io/knative-nightly/github.com/knative/build-pipeline/cmd/webhook